How to Develop Your Brand

Business is an inherently competitive game, and to be a successful business you need to have a brand. And of course, a brand is more than just a name and a logo. A brand is the message you send out to your customers that makes your product or service distinctive. Indeed, a well-designed logo and strapline is useless if no one ever sees it. Branding is all about communicating your business to your target audience.

Here are some top tips to help get your brand known:

  • Hone in on your unique selling point. A unique selling point or USP is what makes your business distinctive, what makes it different from its competitors. The likelihood is that you set up your business in order to fill a certain niche in the market. The way in which you address this niche will most likely be your USP which is why you need to make the most of it.
  • A professional website. In today’s digital age, a high-quality website is a must for any business. It will not only help customers find you but it will also increase your brand’s visibility and credibility. If you are unsure about how to make sure website is found you talk to a digital marketing agency who should be able to offer you expert help and advice about how SEO works and how to optomise your website.
  • Show the faces behind the company. Many people find it difficult to trust faceless corporations. Particularly if values such as trust and transparency are central to your brand, investing in some professional headshots for the ‘About’ section of your website will help your customers to feel more at ease.


  • Grow your social media presence. Being active on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, is a great way to communicate with your target audience. It will also develop your online reputation, drive traffic to your website and will allow you to create conversational content to reinforce your brand.
  • State your values. You don’t have to be a charity to have core values attached to your business. Big corporations will always have a few values that are intrinsic to their brand. For example, Coca Cola’s mission statement is to ‘refresh the world in mind, body and spirit’. Try to relate your values to what your customers want, need and are interested in.
  • Physical branding. Although I have highlighted the importance of digital branding, there is a reason big and small companies alike still invest in physical branding. Particularly for networking events, if a prospective customer can take home something to associate with your business, they will be more likely to remember the service you provide. Generally, using valuable or functional materials such as pens or memory sticks will be more effective for encouraging brand exposure than something throwaway such as a card of leaflet.
  • Be consistent. When it comes to maintaining a clear brand, consistency is key. Consistency is integral for keeping your brand distinctive, memorable and reliable. The last thing you want to do when you are trying to develop your brand is to inadvertently damage it through inconsistency. Always be mindful of your brand’s image and values before you make any big decisions.

Creating and maintaining a strong brand is no easy feat. However, if you are willing to put in the hours, money and seek advice from specialists, you will have a much higher chance of success.
